
Faisal N

My new personal website features my signature gradients, as well as modern layouts and design. All sections on the site were updated to match the new format, syncing with my CV. New smooth element transitions, page transitions and animations were added as well as fixed, matching the theme of the website. A commissions page with examples, advertisement space, back buttons, repositories page, and packages page were added. The mobile version works well with a nice pull tab collapsible sidebar. Some elements have dedicated animations, giving the site nice enhancements if you look closely. The website integrates with DangoAPI, Discord, Wakatime, Read.CV, GitHub, Gitlab, and more to achieve an extremely elegant portfolio representation.

ID: faisalnjs
Faisal N © 2024 Faisal N
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Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
Faisal N Website
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Faisal N Website
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